Say Merry Christmas with a Personalised Jigsaw Puzzle

Struggling to find the perfect Christmas gift?
It can be a bit of a nightmare, can’t it? Especially if high street stores are full to the brim with crazy shoppers looking for the best bargains!
Well what if we told you there was an easier way to buy the perfect gift from the comfort of your own home! It can also be kept as a fun family gaming item, or just for sentimental reasons.
What are we talking about?
…our personalised jigsaws of course!
All you need to do is; sit at home, relax, click on to our website, and upload your favourite photograph to the ‘personalised jigsaw’ page, then we’ll do the rest.
Wondering what to upload? Here’s a few suggestions:
Family Portrait
Does someone live in a different part of the country to you? If so, why not remind them of how you and your family are getting on with a personalised puzzle? They’ll have loads of fun putting the pieces together to see how much you’ve all changed!
New-born Baby
There’s nothing more exciting than welcoming a new born baby in to the world, so why not snap a picture of your tiny tot’s first crawl, smiling with their first tooth on show, or laughing from their baby crawler? It’s the ideal stocking filler for granny!
Family Pet
Whether it’s Tiddles the cat, Rover the dog, or bob the goldfish, family pets can hold a great deal of sentiment for close family members, especially if they are away at university, work away from home, or live abroad.
Customising your jigsaw to include your pet will mean they can still admire them from afar.
In the Forces
Working away from home can mean you are away from family members for a very long time, so you could fashion your puzzle to include a professional picture of yourself wearing your uniform.
If you’re the one who’s in the UK and you’re missing your little champion, gather the family together for one big photo and send it to wherever they’re based. For someone who’s on the other side of the world, it’s one of the most sentimental gifts you could buy.
Working Abroad
Similarly, if you have a family member working abroad and you know you may not see each other over the Christmas period, why not include a picture of yourself holding up a sentimental message? It’s bound to be a present which will tug at the heartstrings at this time of year.
There are two options available from our website.
Click here to order the 60-piece puzzle
Click here to view the 150-piece puzzle